Managing uncertainty for innovation

The world is changing, and we live in a time of unprecedented volatility (V), uncertainty (U), complexity (C) and ambiguity (A). In other words, we live in a VUCA world. An explicit example of increasing uncertainty is the crisis we live in, as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, which has shaken societies’ structure and way of life to the core. Additionally, we also live in a world of disruption, with new technologies and business models constantly challenging established businesses. In other words, the world has never been so complex, and to use a quote from Bob Johansen from the Institute for the Future, “If you are not confused by the current events, you are not paying attention”.

Even though we live under unprecedented sustainability, technology and societal challenges, these cannot be an excuse for avoiding action. And while it is understandable that there might be difficulties adapting to change, there is nowhere to hide from the VUCA world!

These are the reasons for Next Agents to organize the “Future is NOW: Managing Uncertainty for growth innovation” webinar, which took place on the 26th of November 2020, and where we how we can stop seeing uncertainty as a threat but rather as an opportunity!

Presentation slides

You can access the slides from this webinar here: Webinar_NextAgents_Future_26November


Next Agents Fernanda Bettina-BlueNames

Fernanda Torre has over 15 years experience in innovation management and design, she is the CEO and fouding member of Next Agents, and is a Visiting Teacher at the Stockholm School of Economics, where she lectures at the MBA program (#1MBA in the Nordics). Co-author of the book “AI Leadership for Boards – the Future of Corporate Governance”, Torre is an Impact Partner at Digoshen and a board member at Innovationsledarna (Association for Innovation Management Professionals in Sweden). Furthermore, Torre also teaches Future Thinking and Design Thinking at the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship and Design at Hyper Island. Torre is also a Swedish Expert in the technical committee for the ISO 56000 Innovation Management. Research wise, Torre is part of the Vinnova project, aiming to support corporate boards governing AI towards innovation and sustainability. Torre is a founding member of the Speculative Futures in Stockholm.

Bettina Schwalm is an Experience Designer, Strategist and Researcher. She has a long experience working with international teams ranging from multinational corporations to startups at various stages. Bettina has been driving value and educating in innovation and future thinking, always with a strong focus on behavioural studies. She is Course Director for the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship in Future Thinking and affiliated to Konstfack, as well as visiting Teacher in various Institutions amongst them KTH, KI and SSE in Stockholm as well as ADBK Munich and Khio Oslo. Schwalm is also in the board of Hyper Island – Content Developer course. Her interdisciplinary approach is at the intersection of science and design, developing hands-on tools and visions for society, business, culture, and the environment.