It is predicted that artificial intelligence [Al], and the “big data” on which Al is based, will become one of the most challenging board issues in the next ten years. This book, co-authored by one of the founders of Next Agents, offers to provide guidance on how corporate boards should respond to this challenge. The findings indicate that while boards are aware of the importance of Al implementation as a key competitive advantage, they will need to develop two competence areas to successfully steward their firms into an Al-based future: [1] guiding Al operational capability and [2] supervising Al governance capability.
These areas are combined to create the Boards 4 AI Leadership Matrix – a practical tool for boards to map and develop their Al implementation. The matrix is accompanied by a set of questions to help boards develop a better understanding of where they are today in terms of the development of their Al competences as well as set an ambition for future development.
This book is the result of research performed in collaboration with Combient and FCG Group, in the research project “”, under the coordination of Chalmers University of Technology and with funding from Vinnova – Sweden’s Innovation Agency.
Read more about it here:

Launch webinar
If you could not attend the launch seminar and you want to have an introduction to the book and research, please look at the recorded video below.
The e-book launch had the participation of all the authors: Fernanda Torre, Robin Teigland and Liselotte Engstam, as well the participation of guest speakers and projects participants such as Helen Pitcher OBE (Chairman at Advanced Boardroom Excellence Ltd), Mats Egervi (CEO Combient Group), Kathryn Myronuk (Singularity University), among others.
Read more about it in the project page here.
September 1, 2020
Webinar: Growth and innovation in the new normal
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, business leaders are…